If your tooth is damaged or decayed and can’t be repaired with a filling or crown, your dentist may decide to remove (extract) the tooth.

When your tooth can’t be repaired, tooth removal may be the best option for you. We will talk through the options available, during your consultation. If you think you might need a tooth extraction please give us a call on 01935 840784 to book in for an appointment or send an email to


There are lots of reasons why you might need to have a tooth removed. For example, if you have severe tooth decay, gum disease (periodontal disease), a broken tooth that cannot be repaired, an abcess, crowded teeth or an impacted wisdom tooth.

We will explain how you can prepare for the procedure. We’ll ask about your dental and medical history so be sure to let us know about any medical conditions, allergies or recent surgery, as well as any medicines you’re currently taking.

We will put you at ease and will explain what will happen before, during and afer the extraction. If you’re unsure about anything, just ask. No question is too small and being fully informed will help you feel more at ease.

Call Us On 01935 840784
to book an appointment